COLLECTIVE BARGAININGWorking collectively to address common needs and concerns.
PROFESSIONAL STAFFMany offices throughout the state staffed with people who care about its members.
DEMOCRATICALLY RUNAn organization that is run by the workers through voting power.
LEGISLATIVE ACTIONFull-time lobbyist charged with pursuing our membership's goals in Olympia.
AFSCME INTERNATIONAL UNIONAFSCME helps expand our ability to provide workers with essential services.
COMMUNITYOur members love their locals and find that the other members become "family".

If you or a group of employees at your workplace are interested in forming a union, you can take the first step by filling out the form below. Forming a new union can be a great way for employees to come together and advocate for better working conditions, wages, and benefits, and the reps at Council 2 will be with you to support your efforts.
If you are currently in an organizing campaign, fill out this form below to start a New Union at your workplace. As part of an organizing campaign, your input is crucial. A representative will be in touch to guide you through the process and answer any questions.

Collective Bargaining
A Professional Staff
WSCCCE/AFSCME Council 2 currently employs 17 professional staff representatives who are highly experienced in collective bargaining, contract enforcement, and other aspects of the employee/employer relationship. As a member of a WSCCCE/AFSCME Council 2 local, you will have a staff representative assigned to assist you and your co-workers with important workplace matters. Expert Legal Assistance WSCCCE/AFSCME Council 2 includes a legal staff specializing in labor and employment law. In addition, the union retains some of the best labor lawyers on the West Coast to provide both staff and WSCCCE/AFSCME Council 2 members with the best available legal advice. Education and Training Seminars and training sessions are conducted statewide to enable union members and local officers to better understand their rights under state law as well as in their negotiated contracts. These seminars and sessions emphasize grievance handling, job steward training, collective bargaining tactics, updates on current labor law and other issues.
A Democratically Run Organization
The constitution of WSCCCE/AFSCME Council 2 provides the framework for a union run by and for the members. You and your co-workers run the organization through local union meetings, and through the election of your local officers and state council officers. Your elected delegates meet at biannual conventions to set the union's statewide agenda. You will also elect the members of your negotiating committee who, along with your staff representative, will negotiate your contract. You will vote whether to accept contracts as negotiated. And you will elect shop stewards, your on the job representatives trained by the union to enforce your contract on a day to day basis.
Legislative Action
Many workplace safeguards are mandated by state law thanks to ongoing political action by WSCCCE/AFSCME Council 2. That is why your union maintains an office in Olympia with a full-time lobbyist charged with pursuing the membership's goals before the State Legislature. WSCCCE/AFSCME Council 2 remains committed to advancing state laws that not only safeguard but also improve regulations pertaining to collective bargaining, workers' compensation, and the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS).
AFSCME International Union
WSCCCE's affiliation with AFSCME International Union, which represents 1.6 million men and women nationwide, helps expand our ability to provide you with essential services. AFSCME's professional staff assist Council 2 in various ways, from providing detailed analysis of state and local budgets to assisting in education, training and communicating information to the union's members.

As a member, you'll have access to a wide range of resources and support, including bargaining power, legal representation, and networking opportunities. By becoming a union member, you can protect your rights and interests in the workplace while enjoying the many benefits that come with membership.